Monday, May 7, 2012

I am so angry with Kenny right now.

1.  K says he's living with us for the year
2.  Fall quarter passes:  K's fallen in love with C, who has a boyfriend.  C tells K it ain't happening, but K doesn't care.  C needs a subleaser--so K insists on being a hero and tells her he'll move in.  This shit is sprung up on us last minute--he arranges to have a subleaser replace him for Winter Quarter and expects me to choose one to live with us, even if we don't like him/her.  Ok, fine.  He really wants this, so we choose and get Iz.  Somehow it works out.  
3.  Winter Quarter:  K tells us he's not moving back for Spring, so Iz postpones his graduation to Spring Quarter since he now has a place to stay.
4.  I get a call at 3am.  K is upset.  He says he is fat and depressed because of this chick, and his grades have gone to shit.  He wants to move back.  He tells Iz.  So now, Iz's living situation is put in jeopardy and he has a mental breakdown for two days, which I end up dealing with.  I converse with K.  K comes up with the plan to share a room with me since A is rarely home, which is perfect because A has been having serious financial difficulties and hasn't been able to pay rent--I've been covering for her at my expense, and has been scraping by because of this.  I mediate between the two for two months because their communication skills are shit.  I fight the rest of my housemates, who don't want K back since he broke the bro code.  K is to move in immediately upon Spring Quarter.
5.  Spring Quarter:  K calls and says he feels bad for not telling C that he's moving out.  Wait, what, you didn't tell her?  So he tells us he will be staying with her for a month so she can find someone else to sublease.  Ok, fine.
6.  1 month passes:  K moves in.  K pays 75% of A's rent since they'll be taking turns living on that side of the room.  Next day, A tells me K wants to move out.    She says, "He wants to ask for the money back, but he knows he shouldn't; yet, he wants me to pay more--so he wants us to split May's rent 50/50; he will stay 3 nights here and 4 nights back at C's place."  

What the--

So I intended to go about this very reasonably.  Maybe he's having financial difficulties himself. 

C:  K, we need to talk.  A tells me you want to move out.  That's fine.  But you already paid this month's rent, and that is not negotiable since what's done has been done, and A really doesn't have the means to reimburse you, not that she should to begin with.  Do you understand?  
K:  Ok
C:  Can you explain to me why you want to move back to your old place?
K:  Because I like it over there better.  

...To which then chaos ensued.  And I completely lost it.  

You self-centered, selfish, stupid son of a bitch.  I have been accommodating for you and taking care of your dumb ass for the past two quarters, going out of my way to help you because you're not able to deal with your life, and you pull this kind of sporadic, last minute shit out on me again?  Not too long ago you were telling me how living with her was fucking up your life which was why you wanted to move out and all these arrangements were made for you (sharing rent with A was your freaking idea), and now you want to go back to that place because you "like it over there better?"  Are you fucking kidding me.  You think you can move in and out of this house as you please according to your mood?  Do you not understand that your decisions  affect other people and at their expense?  You insist you did not carry ill intentions, and I know that, which is why we're still friends.  However, it doesn't justify your attitude--you didn't have good intentions either; simply, you weren't thinking of anyone but yourself, which is, in some ways, just as fucked up.  Do you know how much time and effort I've invested in trying to make your life easier because I care for your happiness and well-being?  I consider you a sibling.  I don't make it obvious and I don't expect anything back--however, it's not ok take advantage of me, carrying the mentality that "Oh, Chantal's somehow gonna make it work because she always does."  I shouldn't have to, and it's beyond me this time because I'm struggling myself and I hate that I have to admit that to anyone. I can take care of my fucking shit.  However, A is involved.  She needs the financial help, and you know that.  You know that her financial problems affect mine, and I wouldn't be having any if I wasn't helping her--but that was my choice and I'm going to handle it somehow.  When you say you're going to do something, fucking do it, and take responsibility over your actions.  It's called fucking integrity.  How dare you try to negotiate with A over rent that you've already paid, and try to back out of settled agreements.  That is fucking shady.  I expected so much more and I am so disappointed in you.  Act your age and meet your own moral standards, you dishonorable piece of shit.   I never thought you were one to put a girl over your friends.  It makes me feel really undervalued.  Fucking unbelievable.  

There were very angry and frustrated tears involved while I swore at him for about half an hour (ok well, not to the extent that I did above--I was still fairly reasonable and decent in my outburst).  No one has ever been able to invoke that side of me, much less seen it, apart from M and my family.  I trusted him.  I tried so hard for him, and it amounted to so little--"Because I like it over there better."  I appear to have fostered a spoiled 23 year old brat.  Yea, it hurt.  Was it because I'd always taken care of his shit behind the scenes and coddled him so much that he didn't know how to consider other people?  It's a depressing thought.  This all seems so familiar.  

My unusual display of raw emotion left K feeling like complete shit.  Well, that made the both of us.  Though, he was genuinely sorry.  In the end, I told him that he could move out in a month, or do the right thing and go with the original plan--to do what he wanted, but to keep in mind that I would be judging his decision.  

Don't get me wrong, he has a good heart--he's just a little misguided right now.  And irrational.  I don't know what he'll do, but I really hope he redeems himself.

Hopefully we can look back on this one day and laugh about it. 

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