Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's graphic, my apologies.

So last night, I experienced some painful cramping around 3am--after about half an hour, I passed a rubbery, pebbly, fleshy, dark tissue.  Then the pain stopped.

What appears to be a piece of meat has fallen out of my vagina.  Grounds for hysteria?

I think so.

That day, I realized that I needed more girlfriends.  The few that I had (that might have had at least an inkling of an idea of what was going on), I couldn't reach.  I ended up calling M because I didn't know what to do.  I don't think he quite understood the situation, which is reasonable, considering that the only thing the boy knows about a vagina is that the penis goes in.  

I started researching online for a diagnosis--which is never a good idea.  Possibilities included potentially cancerous cervical polyps, a miscarriage, fibroids that caused pregnancy complications, giant ovarian cysts, and several other more terrifying things that induced extreme anxiety.  Needless to say, I didn't get that much sleep.

The next morning, I made several phone calls.  The nurse at the health center was very, very confused.  Apart from a miscarriage (which was impossible), she didn't know what else it could be.  I called the health center back home to speak to my assigned doctor.  He explained to me that my uterine lining was falling away in pieces, which was nothing to be concerned about--apparently, this is relatively normal when you're on some form of birth control due to hormonal imbalance.  He also told me not to be surprised if "loads more came out."  This was something he did not find necessary to warn me about before he administered the shot.

I wanted to scream.

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