Thursday, June 30, 2011

William Fitzsimmons & Priscilla Ahn - I Don't Feel It Anymore

[Track 2 from the album The Sparrow and the Crow]
"The wrongdoer opens with an enigmatic confession laced with grief and remorse. The betrayed and wounded spouse attempts to reconcile her emotional losses against her years invested into the relationship. The hurting and the sorrow overwhelm both, and they acknowledge the tenuous state of their love in the absence of trust.

In each other’s company the couple dwells in an apparently inescapable eddy of sorrow. Unable to find solid footing to escape the whirlpool of loss and betrayal each regretfully surrenders to the abyss of loneliness where they can experience occasional moments without unremitting declarations of a dying relationship."  

While this may describe more or less of what has happened to my own relationship, I feel less of an emotional or personal connection to its uncanny lyrics and more of a sense of appreciation for the haunting beauty of the song as a whole--how it captures the essence of apathy, despair, melancholy, regret, and resignation.  This disconnection may stem from my lack of regret, which allows for the blossoming of hope and possibility as I turn toward a new direction in life.  Still, the poet in me has always loved the line, "We'll fall just like stars being hung by only string..."  It's a really beautiful song.   

Hold on this will hurt more than anything has before
What it was, what it was, what it was
I've brought this on us more than anyone could ignore
What I've done, what I've done, what I've done

I've worked for so long just to see you mess around
What you've done, what you've done, what you've done
I want back the years that you took when I was young
I was young, I was young but it's done

Oh, take it all away
I don't feel it anymore
Oh, take it all away

Oh, take it all away
I don't feel it anymore
Oh, take it all away

We'll fall just like stars being hung by only string
Everything, everything, here is gone
No map can direct how to ever make it home
We're alone, we're alone, we're alone

Oh, take it all away
I don't feel it anymore
Oh, take it all away

Oh, take it all away
I don't feel it anymore
Oh, take it all away

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

"Happiness is excitement that has found a settling down place.  But there is always a little corner that keeps flapping around."  -E.L. Konigsburg

I think I've found it--and I'm going to take it and run with it a little haphazardly, with the person who's made me feel this way.  

It's funny how things turn out.  Everything is going to be different now--the future remains ever as uncertain and I have absolutely no clue what to expect from my endeavors, but after all that's happened this year, I've discovered that I kind of like it like this.  After all, why so serious?  It feels liberating.

Possibility and potential awaits--perhaps, even promising prospects further along down the road.   But for now, no matter.

Whatever happened, happened.
Whatever happens, happens.

I'm not going to dwell too much on it; only Time can tell.  I guess you can say, I've come to certain terms with Life that I haven't been able to do before, and more importantly, with myself--who I've been, what I've done, what I can do, what I can't, and who I am now.  I don't regret anything.  

"But what is happiness except the simple harmony between a man and the life he leads?"  -Albert Camus

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Jean Philippe Patisserie, Las Vegas

Imperial:  Flourless cake with chocolate mouse & crème brûlée covered in dark chocolate ganache and praline crisp

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I just spent the last hour developing plans with E.  He took my fantastical ideas seriously and volunteered to draw out the blueprints for my dream café, figuring out the technical aspects of it for me.  Idealism only takes you so far, apparently.  

For some odd reason, he was really against the idea of mushroom tables and chairs.  Upon indignant questioning, he said, "Well, realistically, fungi are associated with death and decay."

Pffft.  Engineers.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Grilled/raw oysters with D.

Summer Plan/Reminders

6/15:  Moe & Carin 2-6, Aleks 9-12
6/16:  Denise 3-7
6/17:  Mandy 12-6
6/18:  Johnny & Peter 1-3, Andrew 3-6, David 6-12
6/19:  Chris (?)

6/20-7/29:  [Davis] Eric, Ronda, Betty, Kenny, Ken, Steven, KB

6/23-6/27:  [San Diego, Las Vegas] Allister Cindy & Carin, Carolyn, Manuel

7/29-9/18:  [San Francisco] Aleks, Chris, Allister, Inoo, Denise, Andy, Ryan, Felix, Johnny, Monique, Juliana, David, David, Kenny, Justin, Kyle, Virginia, Andrew, Moe, etc. 

8/30-9/7:  [Boston] Grandma

-Practice driving at least half the week, possibly try for my license
-Familiarize myself with the Driver's Handbook
-Neuter Aldo
-Remember to give people their birthday gifts
-Produce at least 1 piece of artwork each week while you're in Davis
-Beauty blog with Denise
-Email Fregly
-Photoshoot with Ezra
-Photograph Cristalle's products
-Prepare baked goods and activities for Grandma before Boston trip
-Lunch/Dinner with Calonico & Phillips
-Dinner with Garrick and Mandy
-Not likely, but possibly work a day or two once a week at Eggettes
-Not likely, but possibly host reunion potluck
-Apply for prospective jobs in Davis before Fall quarter
-Apply for prospective blogging jobs if time
“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Louis Pasteur, Michelangelo, Da Vinci, and Albert Einstein.”

- H. Jackson Brown

Thursday, June 16, 2011

My dad just taught me how to properly handle a frying pan in the face of danger. 

Swing sideways across the face with the edge of the pan, then smash down on the the head with the bottom. 

How domestic and violent.  I like it. 
"Nobody tells this to people who are beginners.  I wish someone had told me.  All of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste.  But there is this gap.  for the first couple of years you make stuff, it's jut not that good.  It's trying to be good, it has potential, but it's not.  But your taste, the thing that got you into the game, is still killer.  And your taste is why your work disappoints you.  A lot of people never get past this phase; they quit.  Most people I know who do interesting, creative work went through years of this.  We know our work doesn't have this special thing that we want it to have.  We all go through this.  And if you are just starting out or you are still in this phase, you gotta know that it's normal and the most important thing you can do is do a lot of work.  Put yourself on a deadline so that every week you finish one piece.  It's only by going through a volume of work that you will close that gap, and your work will be as good as your ambitions.  And I took longer to figure out how to do this than anyone I've ever met.  It's gonna take a while.  It's normal to take awhile.  You just gotta fight your way through."

-Ira Glass

Friday, June 10, 2011

 Regarding Term Paper:  Times of Change:  Cultural Impacts in Ceremony

Comments: I usually advise students not to let the structure of a narrative determine the structure of their analysis, primarily because this structure leads inexperienced writers into doing summary rather than analysis. This essay, however, follows the structure of the story while developing an excellent interpretation of some of its key themes.

As a whole, this essay is simply outstanding. Not only do you develop sophisticated interpretive claims, but you also support them thoroughly and express them in lucid prose. This is one of the best undergraduate essays on Ceremony that I have read.

It was a pleasure to have you in class, Chantal. Your writing has been a treat to read, and your contributions to class discussions were always thoughtful and thought provoking. If you need a letter of recommendation, please let me know.

Outstanding work.  A+ 

-Professor Hendel

Thursday, June 9, 2011

"Storytelling is imaginative and creative in nature.  It is an act by which man strives to realize his capacity for wonder, meaning and delight.  It is also a process in which man invests and preserves himself in the context of ideas.  Man tells stories in order to understand his experience, whatever it may be.  The possibilities of storytelling are precisely those of understanding the human experience." 

-N. Scott Momaday, “The Man Made of Words”

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I just finished having a 4 hour conversation with R that made me feel a lot better about a lot of things, including life in general. 

For some reason, we usually have a good time talking about our trials and tribulations--petty and grave alike.  It turns into a sort of comical session where we animatedly rant, rave, and laugh hysterically with each other because we approach our issues with a great sense of levity--and with that, clarity, which helps a lot.  Laughter is the best medicine.  Anyone listening in on us would be highly amused, although probably very confused.

There was this one time where I almost burned down the house because I had placed a lit candle beneath my shelf unsupervised, and C rushed in to find us frantically fanning out the room, thinking that the fire alarm would stop once the smoke cleared.  Apparently, there's an 'off' button.  R thought the horrible burning smell was the natural scent of my candle, which was why she didn't blow it out immediately--she thought it would be rude ("I thought you liked the firewood smell").  By the time she realized what was happening and took action, my desk was scorched black and my alarm clock had melted.  It was just all bad.  We couldn't stop laughing afterward--in fact, we still do every time one of us brings it up. We're retarded.  (I haven't lighted a candle since.)

But anyways.

Our personalities, different as they may be, are unusually compatible; a year of living together made me realize that.  We're looser and more natural when we're together. 

This probably comes as a surprise, but I tell her pretty much everything uncensored.  She's been there since the beginning so I don't have to explain myself, or be afraid that she'll judge me.  We don't tend to emphasize it, but we're actually really close friends--she's one of the very few girlfriends I have that I value a lot.  Ironically, she's kind of always considered me her other boyfriend, and in a sense, weirdly enough, I am--even though I feel like I act more like a girl when I'm with her.  Freud would have a field day with that.  

Our relationship is ridiculous and wonderful, albeit kind of odd.  Cheers for 8 years.  I'm thankful I have her in my life--I know I'll never find anyone even remotely similar to her because she's...well, she's R.  You have to know her to really understand what I'm talking about.           

Monday, June 6, 2011

Just at the point of giving up, she received an unexpected text early in the morning. 

E: Gl hf dd on your paper.  Remember to sleep once in awhile. 

It was most uncharacteristic of him to be so supportive without being prompted by her.  She found it highly amusing--yet, somewhat motivating.  

Perhaps it played a part in her successful completion of the remaining paper due this afternoon.

Ok!  Finals, allons-y!
I really hate that one viral video where the babies are "talking" to each other. It's so fucking annoying. I'm saying this because it's featured in those advertisement videos that automatically play when you go on a website, and I keep coming across it.

It's like, I'm going through intriguing content when all of a sudden, I hear a really loud baby obnoxiously screaming "DAH DAH DAH DAH DAH DAH DAH!"

Oh my Fucking god.

It makes me never want to have kids.

...Though I'm kind of cranky right now, so I probably don't mean the last part. I can't sleep.  Regardless. They're still really annoying.
 So I went to one of the study rooms offered at our apartment complex and was able to finish an 8 page essay on 5th century heroic idealism in Germanic society within 3 hours--all the while listening to The Scientist on loop.     

Questions of science
Science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart

Oh tell me you love me
Come back and haunt me
Oh and I rush to the start

While there was no wireless connection, there was a pretty awesome chalkboard with random pieces of scientific information scrawled all over it.   

You've got one more essay to write and then you're good to go.

To go study for your remaining 3 Finals, that is.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

So I received a bombardment of texts today from my sister after my final.  

"Mom and I cry everyday that we see Grandma.   It's really hard.  I woke up this morning to Mom crying. 

Mom wants me to tell you she is disappointed that none of you call or text her when she needs you the most.  She didn't come to Boston to enjoy herself.  Everyday we wake up early and leave the house around 10 to take the bus to see grandma and take care of her and keep her company until she goes to bed.  Then we take the bus home till around 8.  We have dinner late because that's how our relatives roll and sleep around 12. The latest we had dinner was 9:30! 

See?  She is even telling you herself that she wants her children to call her.  We really cry everyday.  You would too.  I fucking hate nursing homes.  No one should have to live like this.  This isn't even living.  This is a place where people go to wait.  Wait to die--to wait for loved ones who will never come.  They just want someone to visit but no one does.  That's why it's so easy for workers to recognize you if you come so often because no one comes at all.  All the old people just sit and stare at each other.  It's fucking depressing.  They have no one to talk to.  When we leave, Grandma will be like that.  That's why she waits anxiously for 12pm and 5pm each day.  To eat and stare around, then sleep.  Repeat.  That's 365 days a year when we aren't visiting.  2nd uncle and 3rd uncle who live close by only visit twice a week to bring her food and sit with her for THIRTY FUCKING MINUTES.  It's wrong.  They don't know anything."

And thus ensued, I guess you could say, an emotional breakdown, which involved a psychotic hour-long episode of hysterical sobbing and uncontrollable ranting to my other sister from beneath the safety and discretion of my umbrella in the rain.

I am not neglecting family due to inconsideration.  I am not insensitive to the suffering of my Grandma.  I am not unaware of the indecencies exhibited by my flagrant relatives who have blatantly made it clear to us and my Grandmother that they are waiting for her to die in order to inherit her wealth--these have been ongoing concerns this past year since she fractured her neck last Mother's Day and was forced to live in nursery home.  Every time I read the text my sister sent me about my Grandmother's condition, I tear up as well.  Of the children, I was the closest with my Grandmother. 

These 2 weeks since my sister and Mother have left have been/are my Finals' week.  I had/have 4 research term papers, each of 8 pages in length, to do on top of a last minute essay that one of my teachers assigned two days ago due today.  The Final for that class, which  also happened to be my most difficult final, took place today at 8am.  I was tested on 7 novels in addition to approximately 66 other essays, poems, and short stories we had gone over throughout the quarter, all of which we are expected to be intimately familiar with--so you can imagine the amount of studying required.  And you can imagine how well it did not go.  The remainder of my 3 Finals all coincide on the same day not too far from now, and 2 of them are scheduled back to back.  All of my Finals require further extensive essay writing. 

I could have called--that is undeniable.  There is no such thing as "not having enough Time" because it is a matter of how you balance it.  I understand the entire family's support is vital in the eyes of my Mother.  However, under this circumstance, I found it temporarily unnecessary to call due to the fact that my sister is with my mother, as she can more readily offer her the support and empathy needed from direct context of the situation regarding my Grandmother, as opposed to myself, who is physically and mentally set apart due to distance.

Because of this, I decided I could focus more on school for once, instead of trying handle all of life's trials and challenges like I've had to do in the past.  In high school, I  worked 36 hours a week during my junior year in an effort to relieve my parents of financial burden--back then, this was driven by a desire of self-sufficiency, not by necessity.  Since I have entered college, I have not been able to focus on solely on academics due to pressing family/financial circumstances after my Mother, who was the primary supporter of the family, was laid off.  I went through community college working from 20 hours a week to over 30 hours a week due to Mandy's rheumatoid arthritis, taking on her tasks as well as my own when she had difficulty moving, in addition to providing abiding moral support even when she displaced her misery and frustration on me.  My work environment, as well as my home environment, were both emotionally draining.  Due to my savings being depleted to help pay for family expenses, I secured a second job during that period, writing 50 blog posts a month for extra money in order to help support my family, as well as myself.  Within 1 month, I was given a raise.  Anything extra I had, including financial aid, was given to my Mother in an attempt to relieve her stress.  All of this was made possible due to my schooling being compressed into 3 days of the week, taking three-hour night classes throughout the course of this time.  Despite these circumstances, I earned a 4.0 twice and was able to transfer to Davis with an overall GPA of 3.67, which greatly surpassed the requirements of admittance.  Even at the event of my transfer, I still traveled back and forth practically every week by any means to fulfill Mandy's requirement to work15 hours during the weekends for half a year because she depended on me.  And this hasn't significantly affected my grades, even with the factor that this is my first year at a university based on a quarter system, which is much faster-paced than the semester system I was previously under, offering much less time to digest the hundreds of texts I'm required to read and analyze as an English major.

So Life, fuck you right back.  Obviously, I can do it if I have to.  I will endure and overcome when it comes down to it--and the reason for this is because of my Mother; I take after her in this way. 

This time, however, I felt I had an opportunity to pursue my own self interest.  My Mother had my sister to support her.     

Although this reasoning for not reaching my Mother's expectations is seeming justified by my situation at school, never less, it still conflicts with the family values I was raised with--that being, the prioritizing of sentimentalism over pragmatism.  Despite the reasonableness of the explanation given in regards to the temporary halt of the familial support expected from me, I am guilty--I personally feel guilty as well.  In other words, I am a failure, and once again, the detrimental idea that I tend carry in which I am never "good enough," is reinforced as a result.

I realize this is a very bad time to feel this way about myself. 

I should just focus on school.  But then again, it is precisely because of this mentality that I am in this situation with my Mother and my sister.

I think I'll just call and tell them that I love them.

Chantal--You need to calm the fuck down and get your shit together.

For the first time in my academic life, I am being fueled by coffee and intense panic.

In about 7 hours, I will be tested on approximately 7 novels along with 66 poems, essays, and short stories.

Ah.  Such is the life of an English major.

Friday, June 3, 2011

C: I cannot sleep, not even on sleeping pills.  I don't know why I can't sleep.
E: You'll soon see why I started smoking.  You're going to start getting agitated when you can't sleep.
C: Already have.  I almost threw a tantrum in discussion today, I was really close to slamming things. 
E: Dude.  You need to get a handle on that shit.
C: I get these uncontrollable surges of anger and intense feelings of loathing and impatience.  Why is this happening.
E: Too much stress?  I don't know.
C: Why couldn't you sleep before?  Were you stressed all the time or something? How did you get through it. 
E: I was just angry a lot. I wasn't stressed--I had a mellow fuck it mentality, remember.  I resorted to games.
E: Well actually there was another thing that helped.
C: That being.
E:  Haha.  I guess you could say I had support when I couldn't sleep.
C: What, weed?
E:  Lol no.  Usually you were around bothering me, so it wasn't so bad. 
E: What you need to do is either have a friend that accompanies you till you sleep, or don't sleep until tomorrow night to reset yourself.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

E: I have a joke
C: Shoot.
E: Did you hear about the guy who cooled himself to absolute zero?
C:  ?
E: He's 0K now.

C: The people I care about walk all over me.
E: Ok.  You treat people nicely and you get treated badly.  Well you can't change people, so what can you change?
C: Just because people don't treat me back the same way, doesn't mean I shouldn't be good to people.
E: How about you show them who the boss is.
C: I'm going to lose everyone.
E: Not to sound cheesy or anything, but you're pretty irreplaceable.  When they realize that they don't have you anymore, they realize they need you.
C: Why does it have to come to an ultimatum.
E: Because that's how humans work.  Why are there deadlines?  Because people don't do shit until its almost the deadline.
E: Oh snap, the environment is going to shit!  Maybe we'll do something? Nah, the world isn't blowing up yet.
C: But when it's blowing up, it's too late.
E: Ok, that example was bad, but you get what I mean.
E: Its not your fault, but you should harden up a bit.
E: The way you want a person to be is pretty rare.  I'm not saying it doesn't exist.
E:  But it's awfully rare.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

There's nothing like spicy tomato soup topped with grated mozzarella on a rainy day.

C:  I've never seen it rain so intensely before.  It's pouring so hard that it's rebounding off the puddles, making it seem like the rain is coming from the ground, if that makes any sense.
E:  Be cautious of cars; it's nearly impossible for them to see road marks and differentiate people from things.  It'd be best to wear bright colors.
C:  I am doomed.
E:  lol I know.

If only I had a predilection for wearing less conservative shades.  The brightest thing I have in my closet right now is a cream colored dress, which is obviously not appropriate for this threatening sort of weather.
Today I took a beating.  

Sporadic bouts of heavy hail are unpleasant surprises.